Meet Tayler!
Tayler is a new cycling instructor, grew up in Geraldine, Montana and has never left the state! She graduated from Montana State University in 2017 with a teaching degree in K-8 elementary education with a double major in Special Education K-12. Tayler is currently in her 8th year, teaching special education K-6 in Great Falls and recently received her Masters! She has a wonderful husband, Grant, who helps wrangle Hendrix, their silly and wild 2 year old boy. Tayler found THRIVEcycle through her sister, Korbin (who also teaches!) and her passion for working out again. She can’t wait to ride and THRIVE with you!
Favorite thing about Great Falls?
The big town feels, but the small town community. Everywhere you go, you find connections with someone. It feels so at home!
Where do you get your inspiration from?
My family and my friends! Most importantly my son, I always want to make him proud.
Reason for clipping in?
The joy that I feel when I ride, the fun that I have with all of the difference styles of music and choreo, and the amazing community around me!
What music will I hear in your class?
Each class will have different vibes. My style is like putting your music on shuffle and seeing what genre you might get!
Go to pre-workout snack?
Water & RX protein bars! I also always drink an electrolyte drink afterward to keep my body hydrated & strong!